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A-level 고득점 여부, 과목따라 크게 다르다

00:43 19 Jun 2010
□ A-level 고득점 여부, 과목에 따라 상당히 차이 보일 예정
- 영국 국가시험자격 감시기관 Ofqual에 의하면, 2010년 A-레벨 시험에서 변별력을 높이기 위해 새로 도입된 A*를 받는 학생이 라틴어와 고급수학을 택한 학생 중 가장 많이 나올 것으로 기대됨(약 1/4)
- 회계를 선택한 학생의 1%, 영어, 영화 연구, 언론 연구를 선택한 학생은 2%만이 A*를 받을 것으로 예상
- 2009년 시험 채점을 바탕으로 2010년 얼마나 많은 학생이 A*를 받는데 필요한 90% 이상의 점수를 받을 것인지에 대한 추정에 바탕을 둔 것

□ 과목별 예상치
- A-level 시험 응시자의 7%인 61,802명(개별 과목 기준)이 A*를 받을 것으로 보임
- 고급수학과 라틴어에서 각각 23%, 24%가 A*를 받을 것으로 예상
- 일본어, 러시아어, 히브리어의 경우 각각 45%, 41%, 33%가 A*를 받을 것으로 예상되며, 이는 해당 언어를 말하며 자란 학생들이 시험을 치르기 때문인 것으로 분석

□ A* 등급 도입 이유
- A-level 시험을 본 학생의 1/4이 A를 받으면서 변별력이 약하다는 비판과 함께 대학에서 실력이 뛰어난 학생을 뽑기 위한 새로운 방법을 찾아달라는 압력을 반영한 것
- 2009년 26.7%의 학생이 A를 획득, 2008년의 25.9%보다 상승했고 2010년에는 27%에 이를 것으로 전망됨

※상세 내용은 원문 참조

Quarter of A-level students will scoop A* grade in advanced maths and Latin
Watchdog predicts new top grade to identify brightest pupils will vary considerably by subject

Almost a quarter of teenagers taking Latin or advanced maths A-levels this summer are expected to achieve the new A* grade designed to identify exceptional students, research published today reveals.

But just 1% of pupils entered for accounting and 2% of those sitting English language, film studies or media studies will be awarded A*s, the qualifications watchdog Ofqual predicts.

Its researchers used last summer's marks to anticipate how many teenagers will score 90% or more in their final exams this year – the figure they need to be awarded the new grade.

They expect 7% of all grades to be an A* – the equivalent of 61,802 subject entries. In further maths and Latin, 23% and 24% of entries are thought likely to be awarded the top grade. The proportion is even higher with Japanese, Russian and modern Hebrew, because the majority of pupils taking these subjects were brought up speaking them. In Japanese, Russian and modern Hebrew, 45%, 41% and 33% are expected to obtain an A*.

But in performance studies, statistics, technology and design, business studies and ancient history, fewer than 3% of entries will get enough marks to achieve the new grade. The watchdog said this reflected the abilities of students choosing these subjects, not how hard the subjects are.

The researchers found a similar pattern for entries awarded an A grade. Some 77% of entries in classical Greek are expected to achieve an A, while just 13% in media studies and critical thinking are.

The A* is being introduced this summer because markers give one in four A-levels an A, and universities have pressed for a new way of identifying the very brightest pupils. Last year, 26.7% of A-level entries got an A grade, up from 25.9% last year. This year, researchers expect 27% of entries will get As.

Ofqual's chair, Kathleen Tattersall, said: "The modelling shows that there will be differences between the proportion of candidates who achieve an A* grade in different subjects.

"It does not mean that some subjects are easier or harder than others; rather, it highlights differences in the cohorts taking those subjects."

Meanwhile, a new unit of an English language GCSE will test pupils on the rhetoric of political spin and the language of the likes of Alan Sugar. The OCR exam board is launching the unit in September.

Sample questions include: "What was David Cameron's specific point when he said, 'That to me is the same old politics'?"

Guardian, 2010.5.28