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Ofsted, 재택 교육 등록제 도입 주장

17:56 23 Jun 2010
Ofsted, 재택 교육 등록제 도입 주장

□ 재택 교육자 파악에 대한 우려
- 영국 학교감사기구 Ofsted는 재택 교육 학생 등록의 부재로 교육 현황 파악의 정확도를 경고
- 학교에 소속되어 있지 않은 학생의 교육 여부 확인 불가능
- 재택 교육 중인 영국 학생의 공식 수치는 밝혀진 것이 없으나 약 5만명 가량으로 추산

□ 현황
- 재택 교육자는 등록이 필요하다는 제안에 반대하고 있고, 재택 교육자의 등록 제안서는 지난 4월까지 보류되어 왔음
- 2010 총선 이전 해당 법안이 보수당의 동의를 얻지 못하고 의회를 통과하는데 실패
- 지역 교육청에서는 재택 교육 학생이 ‘적합한 교육’을 받고 있는지 의무적으로 확인해야 하지만, 재택 교육자는 학생이 특수 교육 시설을 나온 경우가 아니면 재택 교육 사실을 보고해야 할 의무가 없음
- Ofsted가 2009년 9월부터 12월까지 12개 교육청 소속 지역의 부모 120명, 학생 130명을 대상으로 시행한 설문조사에 의하면 대부분이 재택 교육에 크게 만족하고 있는 것으로 확인됨
- Wales와 England는 재택 교육에 제한 사항이 전혀 없고, Scotland의 경우 학생이 학교를 떠날 경우 승인을 받아야 함

※상세 내용은 원문 참조

More home education information needed, say inspectors
It is "extremely challenging" for councils to ensure children taught at home in England receive a suitable education, inspectors have warned.

Ofsted said the absence of a home education register meant authorities did not have a full picture of how children in their area were taught.

There is no official figure for how many UK children are home schooled, but is estimated to be around 50,000.

Proposals for a register for home educators were shelved in April.

Home educators rejected the suggestion that a register for home-schooled children was necessary.

While acknowledging that the vast majority of home schooled children were happy with their education, the Ofsted report said it was a challenge for local authorities to meet their statutory duty to ensure all children had a "suitable education".

Currently, parents in England are not required to inform either the local authority or any other public body that they are educating a child at home, unless the child is being removed from a special school.

Inspectors warned: "There was no reliable way to establish how many children were resident but 'invisible', having never entered the school system."

Register scrapped

The previous Labour government came close to bringing in a compulsory register for home educators in England, following recommendations made in a review of home education by former Kent education chief Graham Badman.

But former Schools Secretary Ed Balls was forced to drop the plan just before the general election, when he failed to win Conservative support for it and a slimmed-down version of his Children, Schools and Families Bill was pushed through parliament.

For its report, entitled Local authorities and home education, Ofsted spoke to 120 parents and 130 children from 15 local authority areas between September and December last year.

Inspectors found the children they spoke to were enthusiastic about being educated at home.

Just over half the parents surveyed were home educating because they were frustrated by experiences they and their children had had while at school.

Bullying was a factor for around a third of parents and over a quarter of the 130 children whose parents spoke to inspectors had a statement of special educational needs.

But inspectors stressed the difficulty for local authorities in keeping tabs on all children who were not being taught in school.

Chief inspector Christine Gilbert said: "Current legislation around elective home education means it is extremely challenging for local authorities to meet their statutory duty to ensure children have a suitable education."

A spokesman for the home educators' group, Education Otherwise, said: "We note that the contents of this report seem remarkably similar to the now-discredited Badman report, which parliament rejected before the general election.

"We are confident that the new government's commitments to civil liberties and a smaller state means they will reject these recommendations out of hand."

Parents' rights

A spokesman for the Department for Education said: "We respect the right of parents to home educate their children.

"The Ofsted report confirms that most parents who educate their children at home do a very good job, some of them picking up the pieces where children have had problems at school.

"We note Ofsted's findings and recommendations and ministers will shortly be considering if changes need to be made to the existing arrangements, given the strong views expressed by both home educators and local authorities."

In Wales, as in England, there is no requirement for parents to inform local authorities of the fact that they intend to educate at home.

In Scotland, parents are entitled to home educate, but need consent if this involves removing their child from school.

BBC, 2010.6.17