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2009 A Levels 결과

23:41 02 Sep 2009
□ 25%의 지원자가 A등급 획득
- 8월 20일 시험관리위원회에 의해 결과 발표
- 300,000명 이상 지원
- 97.5% 이상의 학생이 합격선 이상의 점수 획득, 예년에 비해 0.3% 상승
- 합격 학생의 26.7%의 학생이 A학점 획득하였고, 이 비율은 27년간 연속 성적 향상하였음
- 3/4 이상의 학생이 C등급 이상의 성적 획득

□ 2009 GCSEs 결과 분석
- 공립과 사립학교의 성적차 확대 : 최초로 사립학교 지원자의 50%이상이 A등급 획득. 공립학교 지원자의 20%가 A등급 획득
- 남녀학생 성적차 0.3% 축소 : 여학생의 27.6%, 남학생의 25.6%가 A등급 획득
- 주요 과목과 비주요 과목의 지원자 수 차이가 두드러짐
a.수학 15.2%(4년 연속 상승), 과학 12.2% 및 물리, 경제, 정치 등의 과목 지원자 수 상승
b. ‘soft subjects'의 배제가 두드러짐 : general studies, computing, PE studies, performing arts 등
c. 프랑스어 3.7%, 독어 7.7% 지원자수 하락. 스페인어 및 기타 언어 지원자수 다소 상승

- 2009 A Levels 관련 도표(참조: guardian.co.uk)

<가> 학교 종류 별 성적분표도 : 사립학교 지원자 절반 이상이 A등급 획득


<나> 학교별 지원 과목 분포도 : 사립학교는 전통과목, 공립학교는 컴퓨터 과목 선택 비율 높음



<다> 성별에 따른 과목 선택 분포도 : 남학생은 컴퓨터, 체육 및 수학, 여학생은 아트, 사회학, 심리학 등 선택하며 전형적인 선택을 하는 모습 보여줌


<라> 지역별 성적 분포도 : 남부지방, 런던 지역의 성적이 우수함


<마> 과목별 성적 상승하락도 : 수학, 경제 지원자수 상승, General studies, 독어 지원자수 하락


<바> 성별에 따른 수학, 체육 성적 : 여학생이 더 우수한 성적 거두었으나 남학생의 향상폭이 큼


One in four A-levels passed at grade A
-Record numbers of students get one of top three grades as proportion of A grades rises for 27th year running
Guardian, Thursday 20 August

One in four A-levels taken this year was scored an A grade, according to record results published today as more than 300,000 students received their marks.

The proportion awarded an A grade rose for the 27th year running, to 26.7%, while the pass rate rose another 0.3 percentage points, to 97.5%. Record numbers got one of the top three grades, with more than three-quarters of all grades awarded at least a C for the first time.

There was a widening of the gap in performance between private and state schools. For the first time this year, more than 50% of A-levels sat in private schools was passed at grade A, compared with 20% of those in comprehensives.

The results were welcomed by the government and teachers, who said it was testimony to the hard work of pupils and schools, but they will inevitably spark another row about exam standards as the pass rate edges towards 100%.

The gap in results between girls and boys narrowed, with a 0.3 percentage point decrease; 27.6% of all entries for girls scored an A, compared with 25.6% of all boys.

There are signs of pupils abandoning so-called soft subjects, with big drops in the numbers sitting A-levels in general studies, computing, PE studies and performing arts.

Meanwhile, there was a 15.2% increase in the numbers sitting further maths and a 12.2% increase in entries for mathematics A-levels, as well as another rise for physics. It is the fourth year in a row that maths entries have increased. Economics and politics entries also increased markedly.

There were falls in entries for French, by 3.7%, and German, by 7.7%, but a rise in those sitting Spanish and community languages.

Jim Sinclair, director of the Joint Council for Qualifications, said: "These are excellent results. They are the outcome of the hard work of students and teachers, who deserve to be congratulated. It is particularly good to report improved uptake and outcomes for mathematics and science."

The exam boards, presenting the results in central London today, revealed evidence that private school results are increasing faster than state schools, with a 2.1 percentage point improvement in the proportion of A grades in independent schools, compared with a 0.9% rise in comprehensives.

Mike Cresswell, chief executive at the exam board AQA, said: "The biggest improvement is in independent schools. These variations are not explicable by a bit of dumbing down in the woodwork."

He insisted the variance in A grades across different subjects did not mean that some subjects were easier than others.

"There are no easy options at A-level," he said.

Separately the exam boards also published a breakdown of results confirming a firm north-south divide in the proportion getting A grades. However, the north east, which has the lowest proportion overall, made the biggest leap forward, with a 1.4% rise in the number getting an A.

Comprehensives are far more likely to offer technology, drama, PE and film studies than private schools, which enter disproportionately high numbers of candidates for classics, modern languages, maths and economics.

Iain Wright, the schools minister, said: "Critics who belittle better results and infer that the only way to measure a successful education system is by young people failing A-levels are insulting the hard work of students and teachers and the great support that parents give their children during these difficult qualifications.

"The bottom line is that post-16 education is no longer the preserve of the elite and privileged few – more students than ever before are carrying on studying until 18."

Christine Blower, general secretary of the National Union of Teachers (NUT) said: "For all those critics who can't bear the idea that the improvement in A-Level results is attributable to the hard work of young people and their teachers, they should have a look at the trend in improvement in the so called hard subjects of mathematics and science."