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dcsf news: 괴롭힘(bullying) 방지 교육자료 출간

00:26 26 Sep 2009
□ 괴롭힘(bullying) 방지 교육자료 발표
- 학교부 장관 버논 코커Vernon Coaker는 9월 17일 특수교육 학생들에 대한 괴롭힘(bullying)을 막고 미연에 방지하는 것을 돕기 위한 새로운 교육자료(DVD)를 발표

□ DVD 'Make Them Go Away’의 내용
- 7세에서 14세 학생 대상으로, 특수교육을 받는 학우들에 대한 경각심을 불러일으키는 동시에 괴롭히는 것이 그들의 삼에 어떤 영향을 끼치는 지에 대한 메시지 전달
- 어린 학생들의 관심 유도를 위해 아스날 축구단 주장 세스크 파브레가스Cesc Fabregas의 고무적인 메시지 삽입

□ 요점
- DVD는 영국 전역의 초등학교, 중등학교에 인쇄물 및 온라인으로 보급 가능며, 정부에서 이메일을 통해 모든 학교에 광고할 예정
- 정부는 인종차별, 종교, 동성혐오, 사이버 괴롭힘 등의 내용을 포함한 ‘Safe to Learn‘이라는 자료를 발간한 바 있음. 특수교육 대상 학생에 대한 괴롭힘을 다룬 자료는 2008년 5월 발간되었음. The Anti-Bullying Alliance와 National Strategies는 지역 교육청, 학교와 함께 동 자료 시행을 위해 노력하고 있음
- 2008년 발간된 ‘Safe to Play’에 의하면 특수교육을 받는 학생이 일반 학생에 비해 학교 및 지역 사회에서 3배 이상 괴롭힘을 받는 경향이 있는 것으로 조사됨
- 교사를 위한 자료에는 괴롭힘을 예방하고 그에 대응하기 위한 수업 계획, 조언 및 전략이 포함됨

□ 원문 보기

More support for schools to help tackle bullying of children with special educational needs and disabilities
- September 17, 2009

Schools Minister Vernon Coaker today launched a DVD for pupils and a new resource pack for schools to help them prevent and tackle bullying of young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities.

The DVD ‘Make Them Go Away’ is aimed at children from seven to 14 to raise awareness of their peers with SEN and disabilities, including strong messages about how bullying affects their lives.

The Schools Minister launched the pack today at a primary school in London that has been using an effective buddy scheme to give children with SEN and disabilities more confidence and prevent them being bullied.

To appeal to the young audience the film also includes a supportive comment from Arsenal Football Club Captain Cesc Fabregas that having a disability should not stop young people achieving what they want.

Vernon Coaker said:

“Any form of bullying is damaging and harmful to the victims and can have a lasting impact on their lives. Taunting and demonising a young person because of their disability is particularly nasty. That’s why we have produced the DVD to raise awareness of the problem with young people and prevent bullying occurring in the first place.

“The support package for teachers will help them stimulate classroom discussions so that pupils understand the damaging impact of bullying on their disabled peers.

“We are determined to put a stop to bullying. Over recent years we’ve provided schools with guidance and support, including specific guidance on how to tackle bullying of children with SEN and disabilities, in addition to giving teachers and heads more powers to get tough on the bullies.

“I know that teachers across the country are doing a great job in preventing and managing bullying and I hope that the film will continue to get the message out to young people that bullying will not be tolerated.”

Arsenal Club Captain Cesc Fabregas said:

“At Arsenal we believe bullying is unacceptable. That's why we support this film and we hope the message is clear for young people. Disability should not be a barrier to achieving the things you want.”

The DVD builds on the success of the cyberbullying DVD launched two years ago - so far 46,000 copies have been sent out to schools. The SEN and disabilities DVD and support materials for teachers have been produced with the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA), working closely with the Council for Disabled Children, Mencap, the National Autistic Society and other disability organisations.

Chair of ABA, Christopher Cloke, said:

“ABA supports the launch of 'Make Them Go Away' because we know that sadly children and young people with disabilities can be particularly vulnerable to being bullied. We need to encourage all our children and young people not to be bystanders to bullying, but to intervene where possible or to tell someone who can. Our national awareness raising week - Anti-Bullying Week is coming up soon (16-20 November) and is a great opportunity for children, young people and the wider community to stand up against bullying together.”

Editor's Notes
This press notice relates to 'England'
1. The DVD resource pack ‘Make Them Go Away’ has been produced by Takeone Productions and will be available for all primary and secondary schools in hard copy and online. This will be advertised to schools through an email from the Department.

2. The Government has produced a suite of guidance called Safe to Learn that includes specific units on racist, religious, homophobic and cyber-bullying. The guidance on dealing with bullying involving children with special educational needs and disabilities was published in May 2008. The Anti-Bullying Alliance and National Strategies are working with Local Authorities and schools across the country to help them implement the guidance.

3. According to ‘Safe to Play’ 2008 young people with special educational needs were found to be three times more likely to be bullied ‘a lot’ in schools and in the community than their peers.

4. booklet for teachers includes lesson plans, and advice and strategies for preventing bullying and responding to it when it occurs.

Contact Details
Public Enquiries 0870 000 2288, info@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk

Press Notice 2009/0164
