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좋은 초등학교 인근 지역 집값이 비싸다

01:51 25 Nov 2009
□ 성적 우수 초등학교 주변 집값이 £19,500(약 3,900만원)이상 높음
- Nationwide Building Society(주택 조합社) 조사 : 지역 초등학교의 성취도평가(SATs, Statutory Assessment Tests) 합격률이 10% 상승할 경우 인근 주택 가격이 평균 £5,860(약 1170만원) 상승
- 대표 사례 : Yorkshire, Humberside 지역 프리미엄 가장 높음
- 그러나 이보다 다락방 변환 또는 침실 추가가 집값에 더 큰 영향을 미침

□ 조사 내용
- 초등학교 학군(catchment area) : 상대적으로 좁으며 지원학생의 집에서 학교까지의 근접성에 기초함
- Martin Gahbauer(Nationwide 경제연구 대표) : “일반적으로 가족들이 높은 성과의 학교 주변에 살기를 희망하며 그에 대한 추가금을 치룰 의향이 있다고 믿는다.”
- 영국 초등학교의 70%가 학생들이 Key Stage 2(year 3-6, 만 7-11세)의 성취도 평가에서 4등급(KS2의 최소요구등급) 이상을 받을 것을 예상함
- 영국 초등학교의 2.4%만이 4등급 학생의 성취도 결과가 100%이며, 이 결과가 지역의 집값에 반영됨
- 높은 성적을 거둔 학교 근처 지역의 집값은 성취도평가 결과가 하위 25%인 학교 주변의 집값에 비해 11%(£19,500) 높음
- Key Stage 2 성취도평가에서 4등급을 획득한 11세 학생이 10% 늘어날 경우, 이와 같은 결과가 주변 지역 부동산에 상당한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인
- 이러한 결과는 영국(England)의 경우 3.3%(£5,860)의 주택 가격 향상을 가져오고, 이는 2004년 유사 조사의 2.5%에 비해 훨씬 높아진 수치임
- 지역별 프리미엄
▪ 최고 상위 지역 : Yorkshire, Humberside 4.6%(£6,124)
▪ 영국 북부 지역 4.5%(£5,190)
▪ 영국 중부 3.6%(£5,173)


□ 주택 개발
- 이러한 경향으로 최근 몇 달간 학군 경쟁에 대한 정밀 조사 진행
- Ian Craig, 학교조사관 : 매년 3,500명의 학부모들이 학교 지원서에 거짓말을 하는 것으로 추정
- 그러나 주택 개발이 학군보다 집값에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사됨
- 집값 인상 요인 : 욕실 추가시 1.3%, 주택 면적 10% 확장시 4.8%, 침실 추가시 11.4%, 다락방 개조시 20%까지 인상
- Martin Gahbauer(Nationwide의 경제연구 대표) : “결국 초등학교의 성취도가 집값에 영향을 미치긴 하지만 그것은 부모들이 주택 구입시 고려하는 요소 중 하나일 뿐이다.”


□ 출처
- BBC, Monday, 23 November 2009

□ 원문 보기

House prices 'raised by good primary schools'

- November 23, 2009

House price trends are different in various parts of the UK
Homes near the best performing primary schools in England can cost £19,500 more than identical properties elsewhere, research has found.

A 10% increase in the local primary's Sats pass rate can add an average of £5,860 to the value of nearby homes, Nationwide Building Society said.

The biggest premium was seen in Yorkshire and Humberside.

However, a loft conversion or extra bedroom would still add far more value to the typical home, the lender said.

Regional split

Primary school catchment areas tend to be relatively small and are based on the proximity of an applicant's home to the school.

"One might expect that families would prefer to live near high performing schools and be willing to pay a premium for this," said Martin Gahbauer, Nationwide's chief economist.

Some 70% of primary schools in England see their pupils achieve their Key Stage 2 Sats at level four or above. Just 2.4% of primaries have a 100% attainment rate at this level, and this is reflected in the house prices seen in the local areas, according to the Nationwide report.

A house located near one of these highest performing schools could cost 11% (£19,500) more than an identical property near a school in the bottom 25% of Sats results.

The building society also calculated that a 10% improvement in the proportion of 11-year-olds achieving a level four pass in their Maths, English and Science Key Stage 2 exams would have a significant impact on house prices in the neighbouring properties.

In England, such a rise in performance would add 3.3% - or £5,860 - to the value of a typical home. This was higher than the 2.5% premium recorded when Nationwide carried out a similar study in 2004.

On a regional level, the range was topped by a 4.6% (£6,124) premium in Yorkshire and Humberside, followed by 4.5% (£5,190) in the north of England and 3.6% (£5,173) in the West Midlands.

At the other end of the scale, the rising performance level would add a 2.6% (£4,557) premium to the typical property in the south-west of England.

Home improvements

The battle for school places has come under sharp scrutiny in recent months. A recent report by the Schools Adjudicator, Ian Craig, said an estimated 3,500 parents lied on school application forms each year.

“ While [a primary school] is something that parents are likely to consider when buying a home, it is just one of a number of factors that impact house prices ”
-Martin Gahbauer, Nationwide

He called for tougher action against the thousands of parents who lied to get their children into popular schools.

However, improvements to a home would still have a deeper effect on its value than the success of nearby schools, the Nationwide research found.

While adding a second bathroom would only lift a typical home's value by 1.3%, increasing the floor space by a 10th would put 4.8% on the price. An extra bedroom would lift it by 11.4% and a loft conversion would raise a property's value by a fifth.

"On balance, the extent to which primary school performance affects property prices will depend upon the range of schools in the area and while it is something that parents are likely to consider when buying a home, it is just one of a number of factors that impact house prices," Mr Gahbauer said.
