주요 용어 및 기관

LSC (Learning and Skills Council)

20:28 13 Apr 2016

1. LSC란?

  • 영국의 청소년들의 기술 수준을 향상시키고 세계수준의 인력을 양성하기 위하여 설립된 기관 (We have a single goal: to improve the skills of England’s young people and adults to ensure we have a workforce of world-class standard.)
  • 2001년 설립된 비부처형 정부기구(non-departmental public body)로 과거의 Further Education Funding Council과 Training and Enterprise Councils를 대신하고 있음
  • 대학을 제외한 계속교육 및 직업교육 관련 계획 수립 및 자금 지원
  • 코벤트리에 본부가 있고 전국에 9개의 지부를 두고 있음
  • 연간 예산(2006-07) £10.4 billion
  • LSC 설명자료


2. 역할

  • 청소년층(16-19세)의 교육 및 직업훈련 참여 확대
  • 성인 평생교육기회 확대
  • 국가 경쟁력 향상을 위한 기술 수준 향상
  • 교육과 직업훈련 수준 향상
  • 누구에게나 열린 학습 기회 부여
  • 2010년까지 England의 모든 청소년이 세계 최고의 기술과 지식을 갖추도록 하겠다는 목표


3. 전략(Strategy) - LSC 웹사이트 내용


We want to help employers develop workforce skills so they can improve productivity and competitiveness. The LSC supports Apprenticeships and Train to Gain, an initiative through which a national network of brokers helps link employers to providers who can supply training tailored to their needs.

Young people

We want young people to improve their knowledge and skills and help them make the most of their potential. The LSC offers support to young people through Apprenticeships, Education Maintenance Allowances and the Entry to Employment scheme.


More than four million people of working age in England still have no qualifications and lack basic skills. We want to change this and have promised everyone free learning to achieve their first Level 2 qualification, with support focused on vocational skills.

Colleges and providers

We are working in partnership with colleges and providers to implement our Agenda for Change reforms that will radically transform the sector by improving standards and making it more responsive to the needs of employers and individuals.