영국 교육정보

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영국 교육기술부 조직

20:19 11 Jan 2007
영국 교육기술부 조직

□ 조직현황
- Children, Young People and Families; Schools, Higher Education; Lifelong and Skills; Communications, Corporate Services, Legal 등 7개국으로 조직됨. 7개 부서를 감사하는 감사팀이 별도로 있음
- 각 부서는 책임자 Directorate아래 분야별 Group(Team)으로 구성

□ Children, Young People and Families
- 7부 : Sure Start, Extended Schools and Childcare Group; Vulnerable Children Group; Supporting Children and Young People Group; Safeguarding Group, Strategy Group, Local Transformation Group, Information Sharing Index Project

□ Schools
- 7부 : School Performance and Reform; Curriculum and Pupil Well-being; School Standards; School Resources Group; Schools Commisioner; Academies and Capital; School Formation

□ Higher Education
- 2부 : Higher Education Strategy; Student Finance Strategy

□ Lifelong Learning and Skills
- 5부 : FE Learning and Skills Performance Group; Skills Group; 14-19 Reform Group; Improvement Group; Joint International Group

□ Communications : 단일부

□ Corporate Services
- 7부 : Information; Efficiency and Reform; Finance; Human Resources; Commercial Director; SADSG; Strategy

□ Legal Directorate : 단일부서

□ 출처 : 교육기술부 웹사이트 http://www.dfes.gov.uk/aboutus/whoswho/