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역경에서 성공한 학교들의 특징

19:33 24 Feb 2009
역경에서 성공한 학교들의 특징
- Ofsted's 'Twelve Outstanding Secondary Schools' -

□ Twelve outstanding secondary schools
- 교육표준청(Ofsted)에서 2009년 2월 24일 발표한 보고서
- 악조건과 도전적인 환경에서도 최소 2번 이상의 학교평가에서 최우수(outstanding) 평가를 받은 12개 중등학교의 사례를 담은 보고서
- 빈곤과 낮은 성취도의 상관성을 깨뜨린 전국 12개 학교의 우수사례 조명
- 가난한 도시 지역이라는 점과 높은 무료급식(free school meas) 비율 학생들이 많이 다니는 학교라는 공통점을 갖고 있음

- 보고서 전문 보기

□ 성공한 학교들의 공통점
- 학생 개인별 성취목표를 정하고 지속적으로 관리
- 성공적인 학습을 위한 최대한의 지원 제공
- 능력 있는 교사를 임명하고 전문성 신장 노력 지원
- 학부모들과의 효과적인 연계 지도
- 우수하고 상상력이 풍부한 수업 시행의 비율이 높음
- 효율적인 교육과정 운영과 적극적인 평가
- 교사들의 높은 직업의식, 학생에 대한 강한 기대 의식, 모든 교직원의 일관성 있는 지도 방식, 교수학습의 질에 대한 평가와 관리
- 능력 있고 강력한 지도력

□ Ofsted가 제시한 성공 이유
The outstanding schools in the sample succeed for the following reasons.
- They excel at what they do, not just occasionally but for a high proportion of the time.
- They prove constantly that disadvantage need not be a barrier to achievement, that speaking English as an additional language can support academic success and that schools really can be learning communities.
- They put students first, invest in their staff and nurture their communities.
- They have strong values and high expectations that are applied consistently and never relaxed.
- They fulfil individual potential through providing outstanding teaching, rich opportunities for learning, and encouragement and support for each student.
- They are highly inclusive, having complete regard for the educational progress, personal development and well-being of every student.
- Their achievements do not happen by chance, but by highly reflective, carefully planned and implemented strategies which serve these schools well in meeting the many challenges which obstruct the path to success.
- They operate with a very high degree of internal consistency.
- They are constantly looking for ways to improve further.
- They have outstanding and well-distributed leadership.

□ 성공 학교의 특징

□ 12개 학교 명단
- Bartley Green School (11–16)
A specialist technology and sports college in Birmingham
- Challney High School for Boys and Community College (11–16)
A specialist science and mathematics college in Luton
- Greenwood Dale School (11–18)
A specialist technology and arts college in the City of Nottingham
- Harton Technology College (11–16)
A specialist technology, languages and applied learning school in South Tyneside
- Lampton School (11–18)
A specialist humanities college in Hounslow
- Middleton Technology School (11–18)
A specialist technology and applied learning school in Rochdale
- Morpeth School (11–16)
A specialist arts college in Tower Hamlets
- Plashet School (11–16)
A girls specialist science college in Newham
- Robert Clack School (11–18)
A specialist science, mathematics and computing college in Barking and Dagenham
- Rushey Mead School (11–16)
A specialist sports and science college in Leicester
- Seven Kings High School (11–18)
A specialist science, technology and language college in Redbridge
- Wood Green High School (11–18)
A specialist sport, mathematics and computing college in Sandwell

- 12개 학교의 현황과 성공에 관한 간략한 개요자료 보기

□ Ofsted의 보도자료

Why some schools excel against the odds where others struggle

Ref No: NR- 2009–08
Date: 24 Feb 2009

An Ofsted report published today showcases 12 schools in challenging circumstances that have been rated as 'outstanding' in at least two inspections and examines the elements that have created this success.
The 12 schools highlighted come from across the country and defy the association of disadvantage with low standards. They serve communities where pupils come from poorer urban backgrounds and an above average proportion receives free school meals.
The report, Twelve outstanding secondary schools - Excelling against the odds, shows they have succeeded by putting pupils first, investing in staff and their communities, applying consistently strong values and expectations and providing rich opportunity for each student, encouraging them to fulfil their potential.The schools share a number of common features. They all track pupils’ progress against targets, doing everything possible to help them succeed and supporting them if they slip behind. They also give high priority to appointing effective teachers and providing continuous professional development.
Her Majesty's Chief Inspector, Christine Gilbert said:
'Every child deserves an excellent education and these schools have shown a passion for providing this. The scale of challenge faced is considerable; none has any evident advantage except the quality of leadership, staff and the teaching and learning provided.
'These schools show that excellence doesn’t happen by chance. It is due to the vision and conviction of their leaders and the inspired, effective teams they have built.
'Much of what they do is already widespread in schools but in each case they do everything well. They show how to balance discipline with what one head movingly calls the 'healing and invigorating power of praise and celebration.
'It is our aim at Ofsted to identify best practice to support improvement and better outcomes for pupils. I hope the example of these schools will inspire others across the country so that all young people, regardless of where they go to school will have the same opportunity of an excellent education.'
Typically, a combination of close liaison with parents, a high proportion of excellent and imaginative lessons, an effective curriculum, rigorous evaluation, planning and monitoring and retaining teaching staff led to success.
A strong work ethic, high expectations, consistent approaches by all staff and consistent monitoring and evaluation of the quality and impact of teaching also helped schools to sustain their high standards.
In some schools all teachers acted as mentors for new teachers. Teachers decided where pupils sat and set homework early in lessons. Some insisted on meeting with parents of repeat absentees, others held breakfast clubs and after school activities.
Effective leadership at all levels is the recurring theme of the report. Underlying each success was a strong personal commitment from the head and staff to increasing the pace of lessons, maintaining discipline and calmness, paying attention to individual student's needs and promoting a clear vision of what the school aims to achieve.
The schools showed they were dedicated to the business of learning, reflecting a belief that every student matters.

Notes for Editors
1. The report, Twelve outstanding secondary schools - Excelling against the odds, can be found on the Ofsted website, www.ofsted.gov.uk/publications/080240.
2. The report was compiled by Her Majesty’s Inspectors working with Dr Peter Matthews, a consultant and former senior HMI.
3. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects registered childcare and children's social care, including adoption and fostering agencies, residential schools, family centres and homes for children. It also inspects all state maintained schools, non-association independent schools, pupil referral units, further education, initial teacher education, and publicly funded adult skills and employment-based training, the Children and Family Courts Advisory Service (Cafcass), and the overall level of services for children in local authority areas (through annual performance assessments and joint area reviews).
4. The Ofsted Press Office can be contacted on 08456 4040404 between 8am – 6pm Monday – Friday. During evenings and weekends we can be reached on 07919 057359
5. The 12 outstanding schools are:
• Bartley Green School (11–16)A specialist technology and sports college in Birmingham
• Challney High School for Boys and Community College (11–16) A specialist science and mathematics college in Luton
• Greenwood Dale School (11–18)A specialist technology and arts college in the City of Nottingham
• Harton Technology College (11–16)A specialist technology, languages and applied learning school in South Tyneside
• Lampton School (11–18)A specialist humanities college in Hounslow
• Middleton Technology School (11–18)A specialist technology and applied learning school in Rochdale
• Morpeth School (11–16)A specialist arts college in Tower Hamlets
• Plashet School (11–16)A girls specialist science college in Newham
• Robert Clack School (11–18)A specialist science, mathematics and computing college in Barking and Dagenham
• Rushey Mead School (11–16)A specialist sports and science college in Leicester
• Seven Kings High School (11–18)A specialist science, technology and language college in Redbridge
• Wood Green High School (11–18)A specialist sport, mathematics and computing college in Sandwell