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dcsf news: 별거, 이혼 가정에 대한 정부 지원책

00:28 26 Sep 2009
□ 이혼 가정을 위한 지역 교육 서비스 개선 노력
- 학교부 장관 버논 코커Vernon Coaker는 9월 21일 이혼, 별거 중인 부모를 둔 가정을 지원한 영국 내 10개의 대표 시범 지역 사례 발표

□ 개요
- 2008년 12월 정부는 475만 파운드 규모의 이혼 부모 가정에 카운슬링 및 중재, 실제적, 법적 지원을 제공하는 지역 단위의 프로젝트 실시
- 버논 코커Vernon Coaker : “우리는 이혼 및 별거가 가정에 주는 부정적인 영향, 특히 가족의 붕괴에 갖힌 아이들의 고통을 알고 있다. ‘Children’s Plan‘과 ’Children’s Plan: One Year‘를 통해 가족의 붕괴를 겪고 있는 부모와 아이들을 지원하고, 강력하면서도 안정적인 관계를 유지할 수 있도록 예방 차원의 지원을 제공하려고 노력하고 있다.”, “이는 2020년까지 어린이의 가난을 근절하려는 노력의 중요한 단계이다”
- Kids in the Middle이 2008년 조사한 내용에 따르면 90%이상의 부모가 별거 중 가족에 대한 지원이 더욱 필요하다가 답변하였고, 이는 Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act에 의해 연초에 지적된 내용임

□ 내용
- 실제적, 정서적 문제 지원 : 아동 양육, 아동 거주 및 연락처, 복지 혜택, 세금 혜택, 법적 문제, 거주 지 및 직업 등
- 부부에 대한 카운슬링, 중재 및 각종 실제적, 법적 문제에 대한 지원
- 지역 정부가 가족의 이혼, 별거에 따른 문제점을 어떻게 해결하고 아이들이 부딪히게 되는 부정적인 결과들을 줄이게 되는지 중앙 정부에 정보 제공

□ 해당 지역

□ 원문 보기

Children, Schools and Families Minister: Piloting innovative support for separated parents
- September 21, 2009

Schools Minister Vernon Coaker today announced the ten successful pilot areas looking at how local services can be better co-ordinated for separating and separated parents.

The £4.75m project aims to improve the wellbeing of families caught up in divorce and separation with help from, local services including counselling, and mediation, practical and legal support.

Vernon Coaker said:

“We know the devastating impact that divorce and separation can have on families and in particular on the wellbeing of children who can often get caught in the middle of family breakdowns. In the Children’s Plan and the Children’s Plan: One Year On we committed to doing more to support parents and children experiencing family breakdown and to provide preventative support to help families maintain strong, stable relationships.

“These pilots will look at how services can be better tailored to the needs of families during very difficult times. As well as improving life chances for children, these pilots aim to improve the health and economic wellbeing of families during relationship breakdowns. They are another vital step in our commitment to eradicating child poverty by 2020.”

Over 90% of parents responding to a 2008 survey by the Kids in the Middle campaign felt that more should be done to support families during separation. This was echoed earlier in the year with responses to the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act consultation.

Separating parents have a number of practical and emotional issues to resolve following separation, including child maintenance, child residence and contact, benefits, tax credits, legal, housing and work. For many separating parents, emotional and practical issues are intricately linked and many families need access to a range of services including counselling, mediation services and other ‘practical’ and ‘legal’ support delivered in a way which meets the needs of both parents and their children.

The pilots will also provide the Government with evidence as to how local approaches can tackle the stress and conflict faced by parents going through separation or divorce and to reduce the negative outcomes that children caught in the middle can face.

Editor's Notes
This press notice relates to 'England'
• The £4.75m pilots were announced in December 2008 by the Secretary of State at the Relationship Summit.

• Kids in the Middle is a national campaign launched by a partnership of family and parenting charities - Relate, Gingerbread, Families Need Fathers and the Fatherhood Institute - to help tackle the lack of support for children and parents trapped in the misery and turmoil of family breakdown.

• Contact Details
Public Enquiries 0870 000 2288, info@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk

• The areas are:

Press Notice 2009/0165