주요 용어 및 기관

Becta (British Education Communications and Technology Agency)

00:27 10 Mar 2016

1. Becta는 어떤 기구인가?

  • 교수학습에 technology의 효율적이고 혁신적인 사용을 목적으로 교육에의 ICT 활용을 유도하기 위한 기구 (transform teaching and learning through ICT)
  • 과거의 National Council for Educational Technology(NCET)를 모체로 1998년 설립
  • 교육부 및 관련 기관들과 협력하여 기술의 잠재력이 교육에 충분히 구현될 수 있도록 함을 핵심 역할로 설정하고 있음


2. 운영 목표 (Strategic objectives)

  • To put the education and skills system on the way towards universal access to learning through technology
  • To make ours the safest online environment for children and learners in the world
  • To ensure that nearly all schools have improved their use of technology
  • To be on the way to doubling the number of teachers using technology to support personalisation
  • To save the education system £100 million over three years
  • To secure better technology-informed policy and strategy
  • To establish Becta as a credible, national partner within the further education and skills sector
  • To support these by a series of marketing and communications campaigns