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PSHE 필수과목으로 전환 전망
23:04 29 Apr 2009
PSHE 필수과목으로 전환 전망
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic education -
○ Sir Alasdair Macdonald 보고서
- Alasdair Macdonald 경이 DCSF에 Independent Review of the proposal to make Personal, Social, Health and Economic(PSHE) education statutory 라는 이름의 보고서를 2009년 4월 28일 제출
- 동 보고서는 2008년 10월 영국 어린이학교가족부가 PSHE 과목을 필수과목으로 바꾸겠다는 의향을 발표하면서 Macdonald 경에게 검토보고서를 제출할 것을 요청함으로써 작성된 것임
- 보고서 전문 보기
○ PSHE - 무엇을 가르치나
- http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/pshe/listSection.cfm?sectionId=79 참조
- 개인 사회 건강 경제교육 PSHE는 시민의식(citizenship), 마약 술 흡연, 정서적 건강과 복지, 영양과 신체활동, 개인의 경제생활, 안전교육, 성교육 등을 주요 내용으로 하고 있는 교과목임
- citizenship : 사회적 도덕적 책임, 지역사회 생활, 정치 이해 등
- drugs, alcohol and tobacco : 건강하고 안전한 생활을 위한 교육
- emotional health and wellbeing
- nutrition, physical activity : 균형있는 음식 섭취, 규칙적인 운동
- personal finance : 독립적인 생활을 위한 재정운영능력, 기술, 이해
- safety : 가정, 학교, 사회에서의 안전 확보, 도로안전, 화재, 익사, 각종 안전사고 예방 교육
- sex and relationship education (SRE) : PSHE 교과목의 매우 중요한 부분으로 성과 인간관계와 관한 교육
"Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education aims to help children and young people deal with the real life issues they face as they grow up. The issues that PSHE education covers are central to young people’s wellbeing: nutrition and physical activity; drugs, alcohol and tobacco; sex and relationships; emotional health and wellbeing; safety; careers; work-related learning; and personal finance." (Macdonald 보고서 내용 일부)
○ PSHE 교육의 발전 경과
- 지난 20년 동안 여러 가지 명칭과 내용으로 시행되어 온 교육 내용
- PSE(Personal Social Education, 1990년 교육과정) : 경제와 산업의 이해, 진로교육, 건강교육, 시민의식교육, 환경교육의 5개 주제를 독립교과가 아닌 범교과적으로 접근(cross-curricular dimension)
- 1999년 National Advisory Group의 PSE에 관한 보고서 ‘Preparing Young People for Adult Life'의 제안에 의해 PSHE가 선택 과목(non-statutory)이 됨
○ 20 recommendations of the report
1. PSHE education should become part of the statutory National Curriculum, in both primary and secondary phases.
2. At secondary level, PSHE education should become a foundation subject in the National Curriculum, with the existing non-statutory programmes of study forming the basis for public consultation on the core entitlement.
3. At primary level the proposed new programme of learning ‘Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing’ should form the basis for public consultation on the core entitlement.
4. Governing bodies should retain the right to determine their school’s approach to SRE, to ensure that this can be delivered in line with the context, values and ethos of the school. However, this must be consistent with the core entitlement to PSHE education.
5. Governing bodies should also retain the duty to maintain an up-to-date SRE policy, which is made available to inspectors, parents and young people. Moreover, governing bodies should involve parents and young people (in the secondary phase) in developing their SRE policy to ensure that this meets the needs of their pupils, and reflects parents’ wishes and the culture of the communities they serve.
6. The DCSF should consult school governor and faith school representatives about any supplementary resources, guidance and support they need and work with them to ensure that this is in place before statutory PSHE education comes into force.
7. The existing right of parental withdrawal from SRE should be maintained. Where parents do choose to withdraw, schools should make it clear to them that in doing so they are taking responsibility for ensuring that their child receives their entitlement to SRE through alternative means. This right of withdrawal does not extend to the existing statutory elements of the National Curriculum requirements regarding sex education in Science at Key Stages 1 to 4 and we recommend that this should continue to be the case. Furthermore, there should be no right of withdrawal from the whole or any other aspect of PSHE education.
8. The DCSF should review the status of all of its existing, separate guidance relating to the issues covered in PSHE education. The DCSF should then publish in due course an overarching document that sets out the common principles underpinning effective PSHE education and applies them to delivery of the core entitlement.
9. Alongside or within the consultation surrounding the core National
Curriculum entitlement for PSHE education, the DCSF should seek the
opinions of stakeholders and the wider public on whether to change the name of PSHE education within the secondary National Curriculum.
10. The DCSF should commission further research that will establish and report on the prevalent models of delivery for PSHE education and their effectiveness in improving outcomes for children and young people.
11. All Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses should include some focus on PSHE education. We agree with the recommendation from the SRE and drug and alcohol education review groups that the DCSF should work with the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) to investigate a dedicated route for ITT that will, in time, create a cohort of specialist PSHE education teachers.
12. The DCSF should also work with the TDA to consider a PSHE enhancement option in ITT, as well as promoting PSHE education through the Masters in Teaching and Learning and the Advanced Skills Teachers programme.
13. The DCSF should continue to support a PSHE continuing professional development (CPD) programme. The DCSF should also work with TDA and local authorities to explore the other types of CPD on offer in PSHE education. This should aim to identify local provision of CPD in PSHE education that is collaborative, sustained and evaluated, in order to exemplify good practice in guidance.
14. CPD should also be available for support staff and the wider children’s workforce involved in PSHE education.
15. The DCSF should work to raise the profile of PSHE education amongst school senior leadership teams.
16. We recognise the important contributions that external organisations and visitors can make to the PSHE curriculum and recommend that schools are encouraged to identify opportunities where this wider input can be made appropriately. Furthermore, the DCSF should consider how best to disseminate examples of effective practice more widely across schools and local authorities.
17. Legislation should seek to exclude PSHE education from the requirement to have statutory levels of attainment.
18. The DCSF should work with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority to find appropriate and innovative ways of assessing pupil progress in PSHE education.
19. The DCSF should consider further ways of promoting pupil and parent engagement in the development and delivery of PSHE education, and how to disseminate good practice in this area.
20. We are satisfied that the existing accountability framework and planned wellbeing indicators will provide sufficient monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of a school’s PSHE education programme. Therefore the Review recommends that no additional requirements should be placed on schools in terms of inspection.
○ DCSF의 반응과 향후 전망
- Ed Balls 장관은 보고서의 제안에 따라 PSHE를 초등학교와 중등학교 교육과정의 필수과목으로 지정하는 절차를 밟겠다고 확인함으로써 2011년부터 이 과목은 필수과목이 될 것으로 예상됨
- DCSF의 관련 보도자료 보기
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic education -
○ Sir Alasdair Macdonald 보고서
- Alasdair Macdonald 경이 DCSF에 Independent Review of the proposal to make Personal, Social, Health and Economic(PSHE) education statutory 라는 이름의 보고서를 2009년 4월 28일 제출
- 동 보고서는 2008년 10월 영국 어린이학교가족부가 PSHE 과목을 필수과목으로 바꾸겠다는 의향을 발표하면서 Macdonald 경에게 검토보고서를 제출할 것을 요청함으로써 작성된 것임
- 보고서 전문 보기
○ PSHE - 무엇을 가르치나
- http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/pshe/listSection.cfm?sectionId=79 참조
- 개인 사회 건강 경제교육 PSHE는 시민의식(citizenship), 마약 술 흡연, 정서적 건강과 복지, 영양과 신체활동, 개인의 경제생활, 안전교육, 성교육 등을 주요 내용으로 하고 있는 교과목임
- citizenship : 사회적 도덕적 책임, 지역사회 생활, 정치 이해 등
- drugs, alcohol and tobacco : 건강하고 안전한 생활을 위한 교육
- emotional health and wellbeing
- nutrition, physical activity : 균형있는 음식 섭취, 규칙적인 운동
- personal finance : 독립적인 생활을 위한 재정운영능력, 기술, 이해
- safety : 가정, 학교, 사회에서의 안전 확보, 도로안전, 화재, 익사, 각종 안전사고 예방 교육
- sex and relationship education (SRE) : PSHE 교과목의 매우 중요한 부분으로 성과 인간관계와 관한 교육
"Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education aims to help children and young people deal with the real life issues they face as they grow up. The issues that PSHE education covers are central to young people’s wellbeing: nutrition and physical activity; drugs, alcohol and tobacco; sex and relationships; emotional health and wellbeing; safety; careers; work-related learning; and personal finance." (Macdonald 보고서 내용 일부)
○ PSHE 교육의 발전 경과
- 지난 20년 동안 여러 가지 명칭과 내용으로 시행되어 온 교육 내용
- PSE(Personal Social Education, 1990년 교육과정) : 경제와 산업의 이해, 진로교육, 건강교육, 시민의식교육, 환경교육의 5개 주제를 독립교과가 아닌 범교과적으로 접근(cross-curricular dimension)
- 1999년 National Advisory Group의 PSE에 관한 보고서 ‘Preparing Young People for Adult Life'의 제안에 의해 PSHE가 선택 과목(non-statutory)이 됨
○ 20 recommendations of the report
1. PSHE education should become part of the statutory National Curriculum, in both primary and secondary phases.
2. At secondary level, PSHE education should become a foundation subject in the National Curriculum, with the existing non-statutory programmes of study forming the basis for public consultation on the core entitlement.
3. At primary level the proposed new programme of learning ‘Understanding physical development, health and wellbeing’ should form the basis for public consultation on the core entitlement.
4. Governing bodies should retain the right to determine their school’s approach to SRE, to ensure that this can be delivered in line with the context, values and ethos of the school. However, this must be consistent with the core entitlement to PSHE education.
5. Governing bodies should also retain the duty to maintain an up-to-date SRE policy, which is made available to inspectors, parents and young people. Moreover, governing bodies should involve parents and young people (in the secondary phase) in developing their SRE policy to ensure that this meets the needs of their pupils, and reflects parents’ wishes and the culture of the communities they serve.
6. The DCSF should consult school governor and faith school representatives about any supplementary resources, guidance and support they need and work with them to ensure that this is in place before statutory PSHE education comes into force.
7. The existing right of parental withdrawal from SRE should be maintained. Where parents do choose to withdraw, schools should make it clear to them that in doing so they are taking responsibility for ensuring that their child receives their entitlement to SRE through alternative means. This right of withdrawal does not extend to the existing statutory elements of the National Curriculum requirements regarding sex education in Science at Key Stages 1 to 4 and we recommend that this should continue to be the case. Furthermore, there should be no right of withdrawal from the whole or any other aspect of PSHE education.
8. The DCSF should review the status of all of its existing, separate guidance relating to the issues covered in PSHE education. The DCSF should then publish in due course an overarching document that sets out the common principles underpinning effective PSHE education and applies them to delivery of the core entitlement.
9. Alongside or within the consultation surrounding the core National
Curriculum entitlement for PSHE education, the DCSF should seek the
opinions of stakeholders and the wider public on whether to change the name of PSHE education within the secondary National Curriculum.
10. The DCSF should commission further research that will establish and report on the prevalent models of delivery for PSHE education and their effectiveness in improving outcomes for children and young people.
11. All Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses should include some focus on PSHE education. We agree with the recommendation from the SRE and drug and alcohol education review groups that the DCSF should work with the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) to investigate a dedicated route for ITT that will, in time, create a cohort of specialist PSHE education teachers.
12. The DCSF should also work with the TDA to consider a PSHE enhancement option in ITT, as well as promoting PSHE education through the Masters in Teaching and Learning and the Advanced Skills Teachers programme.
13. The DCSF should continue to support a PSHE continuing professional development (CPD) programme. The DCSF should also work with TDA and local authorities to explore the other types of CPD on offer in PSHE education. This should aim to identify local provision of CPD in PSHE education that is collaborative, sustained and evaluated, in order to exemplify good practice in guidance.
14. CPD should also be available for support staff and the wider children’s workforce involved in PSHE education.
15. The DCSF should work to raise the profile of PSHE education amongst school senior leadership teams.
16. We recognise the important contributions that external organisations and visitors can make to the PSHE curriculum and recommend that schools are encouraged to identify opportunities where this wider input can be made appropriately. Furthermore, the DCSF should consider how best to disseminate examples of effective practice more widely across schools and local authorities.
17. Legislation should seek to exclude PSHE education from the requirement to have statutory levels of attainment.
18. The DCSF should work with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority to find appropriate and innovative ways of assessing pupil progress in PSHE education.
19. The DCSF should consider further ways of promoting pupil and parent engagement in the development and delivery of PSHE education, and how to disseminate good practice in this area.
20. We are satisfied that the existing accountability framework and planned wellbeing indicators will provide sufficient monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of a school’s PSHE education programme. Therefore the Review recommends that no additional requirements should be placed on schools in terms of inspection.
○ DCSF의 반응과 향후 전망
- Ed Balls 장관은 보고서의 제안에 따라 PSHE를 초등학교와 중등학교 교육과정의 필수과목으로 지정하는 절차를 밟겠다고 확인함으로써 2011년부터 이 과목은 필수과목이 될 것으로 예상됨
- DCSF의 관련 보도자료 보기