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수리능력 학습 장려

19:23 14 May 2010
수리능력 학습 장려

□ 수리능력 저하 우려
- 웨일즈의 평가기관 Estyn은 웨일즈 학생들의 수리능력에 관한 보고서를 발표
- 중등학교가 암산 및 계산을 충분히 강조하지 않고 있으며, 초등학교로부터 수리능력 저하를 막을 방법을 배워야 함
- 학생이 뒤처지는 것을 막기 위해 다른 수업에서도 수학을 활용해야 함

□ 내용
- Estyn의 평가담당자들은 학교 평가보고서 4년치와 국가교육과정 교사 평가 분석 내용 및 21개 학교를 방문하고 지역 교육청에 설문조사 결과를 토대로 보고서를 작성
- 평가자들은 현실 상황 대처를 위해 다양한 과목에 걸친 학생들의 수리 능력 향상 중요하다고 생각하나, 수리 능력 개발을 위한 수업이나 암산 및 계산 능력을 쌓기 위한 수업이 초중등학교에서 거의 이루어 지지 않고 있음을 발견
- Ann Keane(Estyn의 최고장학관)은 “연구에 의하면 웨일즈 성인의 53%가 11세 이하의 수리능력을 가지고 있다”고 밝힘

□ 사례
- Pillgwenlly Primary School에서는 역사에서 종교 교육에 이르기까지 수리능력을 사용하는 수업을 진행중임
- Ysgol Bryngwyn comprehensive school에서는 초등학교 마지막 학년과 중등학교 1학년 학생 대상의 수학 보충수업(catch-up)이 이루어지고 있음
- 초등학교의 이러한 긍정적 사례를 중등학교에서도 적용해야 한다는 의견

※상세 내용은 원문 참조

'Lessons to learn' in numeracy teaching says Estyn

Secondary schools can learn lessons from primary schools in Wales in how to stop pupils from falling behind in numeracy skills, says a new report.

Inspection body Estyn said secondary teachers do not place enough emphasis on mental and written calculation.

Even primary pupils overall can find it hard to recall basic maths and have problems with calculations, said Estyn.

Inspectors say pupils need to use maths in other classes to stop them falling behind.

In compiling the report, Estyn inspectors looked at four years of school inspection reports and, as well as national curriculum teacher assessments, they visited 21 schools and surveyed local authorities.

Inspectors want pupils to improve their numeracy skills across the subject range, and in dealing with "real life" situations.

But they found too few secondary schools used other lessons to give chances for pupils to develop numeracy skills, or build on abilities in mental and written calculations made in primary school.

Standards in mathematics are often higher than when numeracy is applied across the curriculum because pupils "don't apply numeracy skills they have learned in maths well enough outside maths lessons".

Estyn praises Pillgwenlly Primary School in Newport, which brings in numeracy skills into classes ranging from history to religious education.

In a minority of lessons, teachers of other subjects had "too low expectations" and allowed pupils to use calculators for basic calculations that pupils should do mentally.

Inspectors also found the effectiveness of "catch-up" programmes for pupils struggling with numeracy varies between local authorities and between schools across Wales.

Ysgol Bryngwyn comprehensive school in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire is praised for using teaching assistants to run "catch-up" numeracy programmes with pupils, in their last year of primary school and first year of secondary school.

Pupils at nine primary schools are involved in classes for an hour a week, with "catch up" classes also running for up to 30 pupils continuing in their first year of secondary school.

Dr Margaret Williams, Bryngwyn head teacher, said they run small groups in a room which showcases pupils' work and progress and provides a motivational setting.

"It's viewed very positively by both pupils and parents.

"Pupils are taking a great pride in what they're achieving and they're also enjoying it. They're encouraged to evaluate their own progress and indentify perhaps those areas where things maybe are moving a little too fast."

Maths mates

Inspectors also praised other examples of good practice, such as the use of numeracy "buddies" at Hawarden High School in Flintshire, with older pupils being trained to help coach younger pupils.

Ysgol Bryn Elian, Conwy runs a summer school for primary school pupils before they join.

Ann Keane, chief inspector of education and training at Estyn said: "Research shows that 53% of adults in Wales have numeracy skills below the level expected of an 11-year-old.

"This means they have difficulties with percentages, fractions and calculations.

"It is vital that schools continue to raise standards in numeracy by providing pupils with opportunities to develop their skills in a real life context in order to ensure they do not struggle once they get jobs and manage their own finances."

BBC, 2010.5.11