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초등학교 남자 선생님 부족

19:52 14 Sep 2010
□ 잉글랜드 공립초등학교 25%에 남자선생님 부재
- 잉글랜드 교원연합이 발표한 자료에 의하면 남자선생님 비율이 전체 초등학교 교사의 12.5%에 불과
- 교원 수 지난 몇 년간 증가하였으나 대부분 여성
- 소수민족, 젊은 층에서 교사 임용 증가

□ 분석 내용
- 남교사 25,896명, 여교사 182,000명(2009년 3월 기준, 잉글랜드)
- 여교사 비율 약 75%
- 대부분의 남교사는 중등학교 재직 : 중등교원의 38%
- 지난 4년간 교원 3만명 증가, 남교사 2천명 증가
- 웨일즈 지역도 이와 유사 : 초등학교 남교사 비율 약 16%, 지난 4년간 격차 넓어짐
- 교원연수기관TDA : 2009/10 남교사 지원 비율이 전해 대비 52% 증가
- 경기 불황에 따른 것으로 분석
- 잉글랜드 등록 교원은 총 568,000명으로 2006년의 538,000에서 3만명 증가
- 백인이 아닌 교원 비율은 2002년의 5%에서 9%로 증가
- 2006년 이후 39세 이하 교원수 6% 증가, 45-59세 교원수 8% 감소

※상세 내용은 원문 참조

Men in short supply in state primary schools
One in four state primary schools in England has no male teacher, statistics show.

Just one in eight primary teachers (12.5%) is a man, according to data from the General Teaching Council for England.
Teacher numbers have grown in recent years - but women account for most of the growth.
The data also suggests more people from ethnic minorities are becoming teachers and that teachers are getting younger.
In March this year, there were 25,896 men working in England's primary schools and nearly 182,000 women.
Across the profession, three in four teachers are women.
Men are most likely to teach in secondary schools, where they make up 38% of the teaching staff.
While the number of registered teachers in England has risen by nearly 30,000 in the past four years, the number of male teachers rose by just 2,000.

Getting younger

The situation in Wales is similar. One in six teachers in primary schools in Wales is a man, according to figures released in August, compared with one in eight in England.
The gap between male and female teacher numbers in Wales has been growing for the past four years.
However earlier this year there were reports that more men were coming forward to train as teachers.
The Training and Development Agency said the number of men applying to be primary school teachers in England in 2009/10 was 52% higher than in the previous year.
The TDA said numbers were rising because of the recession.
Nearly 568,000 teachers are registered in England - up from 538,000 in 2006 - according to the GTCE's annual census of people registered to teach in England's schools.
Data on newly qualified teachers show 9% were from non-white ethnic backgrounds, up from 5% in 2002.
The GTCE says since 2006, there has been a 6% increase in teachers aged 39 and under and an 8% fall in teachers aged 45 to 59.

BBC, 2010.9.3