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Key Stage 3 국가시험 폐지

18:31 16 Oct 2008
Key Stage 3 국가시험 폐지

□ Key Stage 3 국가시험이란?
- 영국은 초중등학교를 Key Stage 1-4로 구분하고 있음
- 초등학교는 Key Stage 1(1-2학년), Key Stage 2(3-6학년)
- 중등학교는 Key Stage 3(7-9학년), Key Stage 4(10-11학년)
- Stage가 끝나는 시점에서 국가시험을 실시하고 있음
· KS 1 : 영어, 수학 (학교별로 실시)
· KS 2 : 영어, 수학
· KS 3 : 중등 3학년(9학년) 말 실시, 영어, 수학, 과학
· KS 4 : 중등 5학년(11학년) 실시, 전과목, GCSE 시험으로 불림

□ KS 3 시험 폐지 발표
- Ed Balls DCSF 장관은 KS3 국가시험을 폐지 예정이라고 10월 14일 발표
- 국가 시험을 치르는 대신 학교 교사에 의한 평가를 학년별로 실시하고 그 결과를 학부모에게 통보하도록 하겠다고 함
- KS 3 전체학생을 대상으로 하는 시험은 폐지하지만 일부 표집 평가는 실시할 전망
- KS 2 시험은 계속 실시됨. “학부모, 교사, 국민에게 모든 초등학교 학생의 학업진보 상황을 알게 하는데 꼭 필요함”(Ed Balls)
- "The final year of primary school is critical to prepare children for the step up to secondary school. Key Stage 2 tests are a robust, objective and consistent source of information for parents at a crucial transition point for their child, and a pupil’s performance at 11 in the core subjects reflects many years of learning at that school."

□ School Report Card(학교의 성적표) 도입 예정
- School Report Card를 통하여 학교 전체적인 학습진행 상황을 한 눈에 알 수 있도록 하는 방안을 검토하고 있음
- New York City의 학교성적표와 비슷한 Report Card : "매년 학교의 교육 성취도 및 기타 정보를 알려주며, 정해진 공식에 의거하여 학교의 등급이 매겨짐“
- Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Ofsted, Christine Gilbert, said:
"Parents tell us they want greater clarity and better information about schools. These changes support that. They have the potential for providing a clearer and sharper view of school performance and progress. These proposals must be designed to support the acceleration of improvement and we will continue to work with the DCSF to ensure they work effectively with the new arrangements for school inspections."
- OFSTED의 학교평가보고서와 더불어 School Report Card를 통하여 학교에 대한 정보를 더 잘 알 수 있도록 할 것임
“Sitting alongside Ofsted’s work, School Report Cards will be a new and simpler way for parents to choose and compare schools; and an easier way for them to understand how schools are raising standards, improving, and playing their role in supporting the wider development and wellbeing of children.” (Jim Knight, School Minister)

□ 기타 변경, 개혁 내용
- Ks 2 국가 시험은 계속 실시하지만 ‘single level test'로의 변경을 포함한 개선방안을 연구해 나갈 예정
- 모든 학교는 중등 1학년(year 7) 학습부진아의 일대일 지도 및 보충학습에 최대의 노력을 경주할 것임
- 중등 저학년에서의 학업진보 상황에 대한 계속적인 점검(tracking)과 보완지도를 통하여 모든 학생의 학업이 정상적으로 진행되도록 중점을 둘 것임
- 14세 KS3 국가시험은 폐지하지만 학교 자체적인 정규적인 시험(on going teacher assessment)은 계속실시 되며, 평가결과도 국가 및 지역교육청 수준에서 공개함
- KS3의 국가적인 표집평가를 통하여 14세 학생의 학업진전 상황을 점검할 예정

□ Expert Group의 권고 내용
● At Key Stage 1, examining whether the current system of requiring teachers to use nationally set tasks as part of moderated teacher assessment is working effectively;
● At Key Stage 2, what advice should be provided to schools to ensure that preparation for national curriculum tests at Key Stage 2 is proportionate and educationally appropriate;
● How assessment can support children in making the best possible progress over the transition between primary and secondary schools - particularly those who start Year 7 behind their peers;
● At Key Stage 3, how best to develop national-level sampling, taking into account experience in this country and abroad;
● At Key Stage 3, whether more can be done to ensure that every parent receives regular reports on their child’s progress in years 7, 8 and 9, and that teachers have the training and support to track progress rigorously;
● How best to ensure that this package of measures does not add unnecessarily to teachers’ workload.

□ 현행 초중등학교 시험 평가 제도 요약
● KS1 tasks and tests (year 2, age 7) were introduced in 1991. More flexible arrangements were introduced in 2005, enabling schools to administer the tests tasks with little or no pressure on pupils at any time of year: they are not time-limited tests taken under exam conditions. Reading, writing and maths tests and tasks are administered informally as part of normal classroom activity, at any time during the year, so that children may not know they are taking a test. They are marked by teachers, and so inform teachers’ overall assessments. The Department does not publish school-level KS1 performance data; KS1 teacher assessments are published at national and local authority level.

● KS2 tests (year 6, age 11) were introduced in 1995. Pupils take time-limited tests in English, maths and science under secure exam conditions during one week in May. The tests are externally marked. Results are reported at national and local level, and at school level in the Achievement and Attainment Tables. They are the principal performance measure for primary schools.

● KS3 tests (year 9, age 14) were introduced in 1993. Pupils take time limited tests in English, maths and science in May under secure exam conditions. The tests are externally set and marked. Results are published at national and local level, and at school level in the Achievement and Attainment Tables.

● Teacher assessment means ongoing assessment by teachers in the classroom. The Government is providing £150m funding over three years (to 2011) to help schools use ongoing assessment to drive up pupils’ progress. The ‘Assessment for Learning’ approach, which is proven to help children make faster progress, involves: gaining clear evidence about how to drive up an individual pupil’s attainment; an understanding between teachers and pupils on what they need to improve; and agreement on the steps needed to promote individual progress.

□ 출처 : DCSF 보도자료(08.10.14)