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2008 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students - 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 학부장학생 모집

02:01 05 Mar 2008
<2008 대한민국 정부초청 외국인 학부장학생 모집>

○ 목적 : 외국인 학생에게 대한민국 고등교육기관에서 수학할 기회를 부여함으로써 국제교육교류 촉진과 국가 간 우호증진을 도모하고자 함.

○ 모집분야 및 수학대학 : 붙임 안내자료 참조

○ 모집과정 : 한국어 연수(1년) 후 4년 대학 학부 과정

○ 영국 내 추천(모집) 인원 : 2명

○ 지원자격
- 추천대상국 국적 소유자
- 2008. 2. 29 현재 만 25세 미만인 자 (1983.3.1 이후 출생자)
- 2008. 2. 29 현재 중등 교육과정 이수(예정)자이어야 함.
- 출신교 전(全) 과정 평균 성적이 상위 10% 이내에 해당하는 자
- 이하 구체적인 내용은 붙임 자료 참조

○ 장학금 지급
- 지급기간 : 한국어 연수 1년 및 대학 학부 과정 4년, 계 5년
- 지급내역 : 학비, 항공료, 생활비, 정착지원금, 귀국준비금, 어학연수비, 의료보험 등
- 자세한 내용은 붙임 자료 참조

○ 지원서류 제출
- 제 출 처: 주영한국대사관 교육원 (Education Centre, Korean Embassy 60 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AJ)
- 제출기한: 2008년 4월 11일
- 제출서류 : 붙임자료 참조

○ 장학생 선발 절차
한국대사관 배정된 장학생 인원 범위 제 1차 선발 실시 - 국제교육진흥원 심사 결정

○ 수학언어
대학의 강의가 대부분 한국어로 진행되기 때문에 한국어능력을 갖추어야 함

< 2008 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students >

1. Program Objective
To provide international students with the opportunities to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries.

2. The Universities : 20 Korean Universities. Please refer to the attached documents for details

3. Academic Programs
Undergraduate course for four years after one-year Korean Language Training.

4. Allocated Places for UK citizens : 2 places

5. Eligibility
To be eligible, an applicant must:
(1) Be a citizen of the UK
(2) Be under the 25 years of age as of February 29, 2008 ( i.e. born on or after March 1st, 1983);
(3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally;
(4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish a total of 12 year formal education as of February 29th, 2008;
(5) Have earned a top 10% of grade point average or more than 80 scores average (among 100 full scores) for the all educational institution attended.
(6) Possess a good command of Korean (Preferred Korean Language Proficiency Test Level 4 and over)
(7) Possess a good command of English (Over 550 of PBT, 213 of CBT or 80 of iBT Toefl / Over 6.0 of IELTS/ Over 750 of TOEIC)
※ One who does not have a standard test result should submit a recommendation letter of the principal of his/her school);
(8) Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate study before;
(9) Not have studied an undergraduate course in Korea before;
(10) Be willing to promote amicable relations between his/ her country and the Republic of Korea.

6. Scholarship Payment
(1) Scholarship Period : 5 years in total: - 1 year of Korean Language course and 4 years of Undergraduate Course,
(2) Scholarship Benefits : airfare, monthly allowance, tuition fees, settlement allowance, repatriation allowance:, language training expenses, medical insurance. Please refer to the attached documents for details.

7. Submission of Required Documents
(1) Place of Submission: Documents must be submitted to the Korean Embassy in the UK
(Education Centre, the Korean Embassy, 60 Buckingham Gate London., SW1E 6AJ)
(2) Deadline of Submission: April 11, 2008.
(3) Documents to be submitted
① One completed application form (on a prescribed form)
② Two 4cm x 5cm color photos
③ One Copy of a high school diploma
④ One Copy of a transcript from a high school
⑤ One copy of a certificate of English proficiency (and one copy of a certificate of Korean proficiency if any)
⑥ Two recommendation letters from the applicant's teachers or presidents (on a prescribed form)
⑦ One Self-introduction Essay (on a prescribed form)
⑧ One NIIED Pledge (on a prescribed form)
⑨ One Study Plan (on a prescribed form)
⑩ One Certificate of Health (on a prescribed form)
(4) Notes
Application form and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or in English. Certificates, credentials, etc. issued in other languages but Korean or English must accompany official translation verified by a notary.
※ Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
※ Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by the NIIED.

8. Academic Study in Korea

(1) Korean Language Course
Duration: One year, or one and half year
Institution: Designated institution to which the NIIED entrusts Korean language training.

(2) Undergraduate Programs
- Duration of Study: 4 years for an undergraduate program.
- Language of Instruction: In many higher educational institutions of the Republic of Korea the language of instruction is Korean and English. Therefore, the potential candidates are expected to possess a good command of Korean and English.

9. Attached files
- 2008 Korean Government Scholarship Program (Korean, English)
- application forms