교육원 공지사항

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2012 상반기 EPIK 원어민 영어보조교사 모집

23:24 31 Aug 2011
EPIK 원어민 영어보조교사 모집

◆ 내용 : 1년간 공립 초․중학교에서 영어교육활동에 참여

◆ 지원 자격
- 영어를 모국어로 하는 국가 국민으로 학사학위 이상 소지자
- 한국 교포로서 영주권자일 경우, 최소한 중등학교 7학년부터 해당국에서 교육을 받은 자로 현지 체류기간이 10년 이상인 자로 학사학위 이상 소지자
※ 구체적인 지원자격은 웹사이트 참조

◆ 고용 기간 : 1년(2012.2.26~2013.2.25)

◆ 원서 마감 : 2011년 12월 1일(선착순)
지원서 : http://epik.go.kr 에서 다운로드 받아 사용

◆ 고용등급 및 대우 : 1+등급(250-270만원), 1등급(230-250만원), 2+등급(210-230만원), 2등급(200-220만원), 3등급 (180-210만원), 주택제공, 신규계약, 계약완료 지원비, 재계약 보상비, 근로소득세면제, 국민건강보험료 및 국민연금 지원, 정착금, 퇴직금, 지방근무보전수당, 순회수당, 초과근무 및 수업수당유급휴가, 병가, 특별휴가

◆ 지원서 접수 및 면접 : 주영한국대사관 교육원으로 우편 또는 방문 접수
Education Centre(EPIK Office), Korean Embassy, 60 Buckingham gate, London SW1E 6AJ

◆ 구체적인 사항은 http://epik.go.kr 안내 참조 및 epik@korea.kr 로 문의
영국 내 문의 : 0207 227 5500(ext 639), edu@koreanembassy.org.uk


EPIK : English Program in Korea

Introduction of EPIK Program;
S. Korean Government sponsored - The 'EPIK (English Program in Korea)' program is inviting adventurous young, responsible, enthusiastic native English speakers who are motivated to share knowledge with students and teachers through Korean Education Centre in London. EPIK seeks to enhance English communicative skills of Korean students and teachers, and increase national competitiveness and cultural exchange in the era of globalisation. It is also expected that in doing so, EPIK will foster strong ties between Korea and other countries. EPIK hope that you will invest your time in Korea for a wonderful and valuable opportunity to experience life in another culture.

1. Monthly Salary: 1.8~2.7million KRW (approximately 1000~1500 GBP)
2. Accommodation (free single furnished housing)
3. Entrance and Exit allowance (1.3 million KRW each)
4. Medical insurance (50% of your premiums paid by your employer)
5. One-off settlement allowance (300,000 KRW)
6. Severance pay (about one month’s salary)
7. Other benefits
i. Free Orientation : 6 to 9 days
ii. Paid vacation for 18 work days etc.

Eligibility(Applicants must)
- Be a citizen from one of the seven designated countries where the primary language is English : Australia, Canada, New Zealand, U.K., U.S.A., Ireland, and South Africa.
*Korean Nationals with permanent residency in the above countries are also eligible.
- Hold a minimum of Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university.
- Be fluent and proficient in the English language.

- Assisting with or jointly conducting English classes with a Korean co-teacher.
- Working for the activities related to English and school education.

Contract Period : one year
- 2012 Spring placement: 26. Feb. 2012 ~ 25. Feb. 2013

Application Deadline: December 1st, 2011
- Early applicants will get the priority for selection.

How to Apply
- Please visit www.epik.go.kr to get more information and to download application forms.
- Send by post : send your application to "The Korean Education Centre, Korean Embassy, 60 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6AJ"
- In person : Contact Education Centre on 0207 227 5500 (Ext 639) or edu@koreanembassy.org.uk